Friday, September 29, 2006

I am not a terrible mother! (and other things I keep telling myself)

I am ashamed to say that I was one of those women who used to frown upon mothers who didn’t have their kids in bed by 7:00pm, didn’t read them a bedtime story every night and let their kids run wild with no shoes, uncombed hair, mismatched clothes or -horror - even pyjamas.

How the (supposed) mighty have fallen. Mini pizzas have become the staple food in our house (no balanced meals with green, leafy vegetables for B), while I’ve slotted Barney into the dvd player so often (to get B to be quiet for 5 seconds/leave mommy alone for 5 seconds/fall asleep/just SIT for a while) that I now know every single song, dialogue, monologue, pause and noise.

So much for being The Best Parent Ever. Somewhere between crying, nagging, snotty nose, smelly nappies, potty training, running around, more screaming and nagging, tantrums, and more tantrums – I’ve given up being The Best Parent Ever and settled for being Surviving Being a Parent.

The jury is still out on that one, by the way…

As ever, I am pathetically relieved and grateful that I’m not the only barely surviving parent out there. If you’ve ever felt the same, read Making (and breaking) your parenting goals.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bring back 70s naff!

I like, totally dig it, man!

Brands that put the naff into the 1970s are making a comeback!

Do you remember having a pet rock? Hell, you knew it was just a stupid rock in a box, but you bought it anyway, and gave it a name! I remember the girl next door having a Chopper bike, and it was the coolest thing ever. Sadly, I never got one of my own, but I did manage to push her off the bike plenty of times, and ride off in ecstasy while she lay crying in the road. This continued until her dad came to have a talk with my dad, and I got the hiding of my life.

Other unforgettable things were Top of the Pops (I used to LOVE it!), leather elbow patches on jackets, cheesecloth shirts, loafers, hotpants and patches sewn on everything.


Read: 70s naff set to make a comeback

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Being truly understood, the world over...

Blogging Mommies unite!

Spent most of the day reading, chuckling, crying, and most of all - relating to a bunch of mommy blogs I found. I don't think I've ever felt quite so understood in my life.

My problems, worries, fears, obsessions, paranoias and tears are by no means unique or special.

I am not alone, and I am not doing too badly, either!

Bless the man (or woman) who started the blogging phenomenan, allowing people from all over the world to feel like they are not alone. Like they belong.

I put the blogging mommies links under My Favorite Parenting Blogs to share the joy and laughter only mommies will truly understand...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How to get your blog out there (and other blogging tips)

I found these tips on how to create a successful blog quite useful, (even though I haven't followed half of them...)

It's great if you're new to blogging, or just unsure how to get it out there for others to read your thoughts.

Read the starter checklist for new bloggers.

Friday, September 22, 2006

It's all Queens at Online Poker Room for gays's press release.

", the world’s first online poker site catering exclusively to the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender (GLBT) community, has launched its real online poker room. While some of the big- name poker sites may claim gay members, makes sure they stay true to their claim of being the first site that exclusively caters to the GLBT community. This includes raising the community aspect of the site above and beyond that found at traditional online poker sites, as well as offering the first ever gay poker game, known simply as ComeOut Hold’em."

I love what these guys are doing. They’ve found a gap in the market, and they’re going for it – Abba blaring. Let’s see how calculates their numbers:

“Recent surveys report that the poker boom is still experiencing record growth. An estimated one-in- five or 18% of American adults have reported playing poker during 2005. Considering that there are an estimated 200 million American adults, that means an estimated 36 million adults played poker during 2005. By contrast, it is estimated that 1 in 10 American adults is gay. That means there is close to 3.6 million gay poker players in the U.S. alone.”

Hey, that’s great! While I wholeheartedly support gay rights and would love to see them enjoy a hand (no pun intended) with other like-minded guys and gals, I couldn’t help having a giggle at the following article by, in response….

"Now for the record, we have no issues with homosexuality at all. We love gay people in a seriously non-gay kind of way. Gay people are part of the fabric of this country. Without gay people, we'd have far fewer hair stylists, interior decorators, boy banders, cities called San Francisco, and lisps.

But ComeOutPoker--a site exclusively for gay people and trannies--claims there is a stiffly growing contingent of guys named "Bruce," Lance," "Geoffrey" and "Todd" in the poker world, approximating that there are "close to 3.6 million gay poker players in the U.S. alone."

But based on our purely unscientific study which consisted of asking people in our weekly home game, gay people make up a very small niche in the poker community. Like, really f**king small. Maybe more in the "handful" range than the "3.6 million" range.

And after thoroughly and exhaustively combing through every page of the ComeOutPoker website (and then clearing out our Internet history), the site doesn't seem so much about playing poker as it is about chatting it up with other gay people and trannies while you may or may not be playing poker.

ComeOutPoker's biggest draw is probably its chat room.

The Pink Triangle - ComeOutPoker players that LOVE to chat!
It's easy to meet other ComeOutPoker players. Just look for the Pink Triangle by their screen names. That means they love to chat. Players without the Pink Triangle are shy, but you never know WHEN they'll ComeOut! It's always up to you, chat or no chat! ALWAYS guards your privacy."

And so forth….. It made my day, thanks guys!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

French authorities release Bwin CEOs on bail

After lengthy questioning, the two joint chief executives of Austrian betting firm - formerly Bet and Win were released on EUR 300,000 bail, an amount to be paid personally.

Manfred Bodner and Norbert Teufelbergerwere were told they could face up to three years in jail if found guilty of violating gaming laws.

The bail will be used to cover any fines that may be imposed, and to ensure that both Co-CEOs will obey any future summons to appear in court. A verdict is expected within a year.

Manfred Bodner and Norbert Teufelberger were detained for questioning by French authorities on Friday over alleged breaches of French gaming laws and were held in custody over the weekend.

They were arrested on Friday as they prepared to give a news conference outlining a sponsorship deal with French Football Club Monaco. The football club confirmed at the weekend that it would maintain its sponsorship arrangements with the Austrian company.

Bodog founder running scared - again cancels its conference again has cancelled its second attempt at putting on a conference in Nassau, Bahamas during the month of December.

Bodog Founder, Calvin Ayre, issued a statement Tuesday night.

“Due to the uncertainty created by the U.S. Department of Justice's recent actions, the decision has been made to not proceed with the Marketing Conference at Atlantis in December.

With all the attention our industry has garnered in recent months by certain officials within the U.S. government, a number of speakers and attendees have communicated their apprehension about participating in an industry event of such magnitude.

It is in light of these concerns, and with the best interest of all delegates in mind, that our decision to not proceed with the conference was made.

In an effort to bring together the elite of the online gamblíng industry, Bodog will continue hosting world-class WSOP-style Bodog-parties at various main events.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Be assured our decision was made with careful consideration for the safety of everyone involved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Calvin Ayre Founder “ cancelled its original conference in Las Vegas following the much publicized arrest of British online gambling CEO David Carruthers in the US. Carruthers served as the head of prior to that company shutting down and terminating its detained CEO.

The Casino Affiliate Convention held in Las Vegas last week witnessed a huge decline in attendance following yet another arrest of an online gambling exec. Peter Dicks was picked up at a New York airport on a Louisiana State arrest warrant but was later released.

CAC anticipated close to 1000 attendees but when all was said and done, approximately 300 actually showed up. A large percentage of online gaming exhibitors pulled out at the last minute.

Read more

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A - Z of Supermarket tricks to make you buy more....

If you thought it was only casinos that used piped-in sound tracks of winning one-arm-bandits to entice you to spend more money...think again.

It turns out the humble ol' supermarket might not be as innocent as you think.


The baskets - Shops will actively hand out baskets and trolleys to customers, as people then feel embarrassed taking a basket with one item to the counter, and it increases the chances of multiple purchases.

Go To The Back – Supermarkets hit upon the idea of placing the essentials, such as bread and milk, at the back of the shop. This is in order to make people have to walk past the rest of the produce, and heighten the possibility of impulse buys, in order to get their necessities.

Shops will also often be laid out in order of price with the most expensive items being encountered at the beginning of your visit and the cheapest at the end. This is done to play on our sense of comparison, we are much more likely to spend money on accessories etc if we have just agreed to buy an expensive item, as in comparison they will seem cheaper than had we encountered them first.

Canned Smells - Most Supermarkets bake their bread early in the morning, however to entice more custom some have resorted to pumping out the smell of fresh baking bread to add to the illusion that it is constantly baked through the day.

Mirrors – Mirrors slow people down. Due to humans vain nature mirrors are regularly used on the front of shops in shopping centres and high streets to slow down the traffic and make people spend time in front of the shop. This is particularly true if they are next to Banks which speed people up.

Sneaky bastards, those supermarkets. See:

A-Z retail tricks to make you shop

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pass Go, Collect $2 million.

Just when you thought it was safe to haul out a nice simple game of monopoly to play quietly on a rainy Saturday afternoon - BAM - they go all Wall Street on the thing and the subtle product placement strategy gets deployed.

Five of the eight tokens in the new Monopoly Here and Now edition have been branded, offering game players the chance to be represented by miniature versions of a Toyota Prius hybrid car, an order of McDonald’s French fries, a New Balance running shoe, a cup of Starbucks coffee or a Motorola Razr cellphone.

The branded tokens are part of a reinvention of Monopoly that Hasbro executives hope will offer consumers modernized references more relevant to them than the elements of the game that date to the Great Depression.

For instance, rather than collecting $200 each time Go is passed, in the new edition the player collects $2 million. The four railroads on the Monopoly board — B&O, Pennsylvania, Reading and Short Line — will be supplanted by the country’s four busiest airports: Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson, Kennedy in New York, Los Angeles and O’Hare in Chicago.

And the properties of Atlantic City that compose the game board will make way for real estate from Boston and Washington to Las Vegas and Hollywood.

“So much of American pop culture today is represented by products that people use every day,” Mark Blecher, senior vice president for marketing at the Hasbro Games unit of Hasbro, said in a telephone interview yesterday.
“We thought, let’s try to get iconography that’s much more relevant to people today,” he added.

Monopoly is considered the most popular board game ever, with more than 250 million copies sold.

The Here and Now edition will cost about $30, Mr. Blecher said, compared with $12 to $20 for the original edition – which will still be sold with its 11 tokens — including the battleship, cannon, iron, shoe, thimble and top hat —remaining unchanged .

Friday, September 15, 2006

Smart people get less hangovers...the bastards

Right… Scientists have proven that smart people don’t suffer from bad hangovers like the rest of us.

Quote: New research by Scottish scientists suggests that smart people are less likely to repeatedly experience the excruciating headache, nausea, dry mouth and sensitivity to light and sound that can follow a heavy night out. Unquote.

"The main finding of this study was that higher IQ scores at 11 years of age were associated with a reduced risk of alcohol induced hangovers in middle age," said Dr David Batty (hahaha!) of the University of Edinburgh.
Now here’s the kicker….

“The researchers suspect people with high IQ scores suffer fewer hangovers because they respond better to advice not to binge drink.”

Millions wasted just to prove that intelligent people are smart enough not to get horribly shit-faced.

Whatever. Make that a double, please!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Casinos not taking US players

It seems that some online casinos are denying US players and affiliates play because of the uncertainty surrounding the law.
This is a posting on the Casinomeister forum.

“I got an email today from purple lounge, that they are no longer taking
US players or affililates because of the unlcarity of the US laws.

That is the second one I got today from two diffrent casinos.

I hope this does not turn into a bandwagon, and soon we will no be able to play at all.

It seems like it is heading that way. With banks restricting certain ewallets,
and now cainos pulling out of the US. “

Read the whole forum

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Boring party? How to make a graceful exit

I quite liked these tips on how to get out of boring situations, even though it doesn’t tell me how to get out of a visit from my ex-mother-in-law (telling her that I’ll start up her broom so long, doesn’t work).

But these are quite handy in everyday situations, like when a girlfriend phones for a good old bitch, and you really don’t have the strength to listen to her shit, or what to do if you sit down at that new restaurant you’ve been dying to try out, and their starters cost more than your mortgage.

Here goes…

We've all felt trapped -- at a never-ending dinner party; on a phone call with a long-winded friend; in the staff meeting from hell. But with a little finesse, you can wiggle out of almost any situation -- and take control of your time -- without hurting anyone's feelings or committing career suicide. Read on for tactful ways to:

Leave a dull dinner party.
You don't want to piss off the hostess, but dessert is nowhere to be seen, you aren't clicking with the other guests, and your Pride and Prejudice DVD is calling your name. Loudly. Pull the hostess aside, advises New York- based etiquette consultant Melissa Leonard. "Thank her and say you had a great time, but you need to go," she says. If she asks why, keep your explanation simple: "Even 'I'm not feeling great' can backfire if she sees you at the gym the next morning," says Leonard. Instead, give a vague excuse, such as, "I'm so sorry, but I'm exhausted--I need to go home and get some sleep."

Cut a phone conversation short.
Your head is spinning as your motormouthed friend goes on and on about problems with her boss or babysitter. Yes, you care-- but you have a life to get back to. Wanting to wrap up the call doesn't make you a bad friend, says Cheryl Richardson, author of Stand Up for Your Life.
"Staying on the phone out of guilt doesn't put you in a frame of mind to offer truly helpful advice anyway," she notes. A better idea: Wait for a pause in the conversation, and say that--whoa!--you just glanced at your watch and realized you need to pick up your kids (or call your husband, or get back to your desk). To break away with compassion, say, "Clearly, this is really important to you. But right now I can't focus the way I'd like to for you. Can we schedule another time to talk?" Once she's had some solo time to mull over her problem, chances are she'll be ready to have a conversation about it-- instead of a monologue.

Slip out of a group work meeting.
No need to stand up and announce where you're going (especially if it's to the doctor--"For days, nosy nellies will ask, 'Are you okay?'" says Leonard). Instead, tell your boss beforehand--the earlier, the better--that you have "an appointment." Adds Leonard: "At the very least, say you need to leave at 4 p.m., or whenever, as you enter the conference room." If you forget to give advance notice, or the meeting has run crazy long, just exit quietly and leave a brief explanatory, apologetic note with the boss's assistant. Follow up with your boss when you return (even if it's the next day) to see what you missed. You'll earn brownie points for your conscientiousness, and your vanishing act will be ancient history.

Walk out of a too-pricey or unappealing restaurant.
As you scan the menu, you realize that a meal here would set you back a day's pay, and it's just not worth it. Don't panic; you've got a right to leave--you didn't sign a contract with the tournedos de boeuf when you sat down at the table. True, the waiter was solicitous, and he already brought the ice water with lemon that you had requested. But no matter how embarrassed you might feel, don't sneak out--it's just rude. "You need to excuse yourself and leave with dignity," says Leonard. Simply say, "I'm sorry, but we have to go," and thank him. Fibbing usually results in more embarrassment-- especially if the waiter offers to put in your appetizer order while you step out to "find the nearest cash machine." If he was particularly accommodating--or if you already nibbled on the bread and butter--leave a $2 or $3 tip. And don't forget to use the most helpful tool of all in exiting any awkward situation: a gracious smile.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

888 on probation for blacklisting

There's so much going on in the world of online gaming - some of it having no notable impact on your average player's gameplay, and some of it downright scary and unfair.

With all that in mind, I came upon a great site, Games and Casino that blacklists bad gambling sites. (Imagine my relief when MY casino wasn't on there...!)

888 is on probation:

888, or Casino on Net and Pacific Poker, have been rogued for spamdexing using all kinds of methods, including blogspamming and scraping. They have been paying rogue Affiliates who steal the work of others to advertise 888 properties.

Recently 888 has started to refuse to pay such rogue affiliates. In recognition of this, they are now put on probation.

Gambling Federation was blacklisted because they apparently refused to pay a player's winnings because he signed up at a number of their casinos and played in one day. He had a couple of nice winnings. GFED refused to pay on the grounds that he was a bonus hunter and GFED only allows players to play with bonus at a couple of their casinos. However, this is stated no place in their T&Cs.
How can players be expected to follow rules that they don't know about?

Here's literally hundreds of others that've been blacklisted. To find out if YOUR casino is all above board, click here

It could save you a lot of money and heartbreak later on...

Monday, September 11, 2006

"He's always late" and other red flags in new relationships

I wish I read The Dirty Dozen: 12 Relationship Red Flags to Watch For before I met The Turd.

Don’t get me wrong. I have a beautiful daughter who makes every miserable second of my wretched former marriage worth it, but a little part of me still wishes that it could have happened without all the heartache, tears, grief, blame and frustration.

But today is not about The Turd. Today is about avoiding a Future Turd by recognizing the signs and getting the hell out - BEFORE they become a problem.

So here they are, briefly (click here to read the real article)

1. Chronic Lateness
For clarity, "chronic" here means "three dates in a row." If your date arrives more than 10 minutes late each time, don't wait for his fourth arrival. No doubt your date will have wonderful excuses, and one or two may even be sound.

Yes, bugger him. I had to pluck, preen, wax, clip, buff, exfoliate, moisturize, paint, powder, puff, spray, lift, tuck in and find an outfit that doesn’t have mud/chocolate handprints on it – and still managed to be ready on time. Bugger that.

I’ll relax right back into my comfortable knickers and have a very enjoyable evening at home without having to suck in my stomach and worry about whether my ass is wobbling while I try to balance on flimsy heels, which are cutting off the blood circulation to my little toes and will probably result in little-toe-amputations.

2. Ketchup on Eggs
If one of those first dates is brunch, and your new friend reaches for the ketchup to put on his eggs, red flag! I realize this may seem arbitrary or fussy. Or perhaps you think I'm making a class judgment here. Well, maybe I am! What's wrong with that? All I know is nothing good ever comes of ketchup on eggs. And it's really gross.

I’m torn on this one. I like ketchup on most foodstuffs (eggs not included, funny enough). I like my eggs on toast, sunny side up, maybe with a little cheese. No salt. No Pepper. Some people might view my bland egg as a blotch in my character, or the fact that I actually prefer chocolate cake for breakfast - who knows. So no, come to think of it, I don’t have a hassle with ketchup on eggs.

3. Rudeness to Waiters
And taxi drivers, and anyone else in a service job. I shouldn't even have to explain why this is a deal breaker. Just remember that it is.

I agree 100%. I spent what feels like an infinite number of years working as a waitress, and there’s always a pompous limp-dicked cockhead who thinks you’re stupid and beneath him. And makes sure you know it. If you recognize this in your date, head for the hills. Don’t even wait for him to insult the waiter over desert or grossly undertip him after coffee. RUN and never return.

4. Scary Divorce Stories
It's amazing how much a new prospect will tell you about his life on a first or second date -- much more than he knows he's saying. The question is: Do you hear it? If he launches into the story of his messy divorce, is his ex the villain in every respect? To me, that's a red flag right there. Anyone who's emotionally grounded should be able to see that two people, not one, contribute to a divorce.

Divorced men often love to boast about how their exes wanted to screw them in the settlement, but how they got their revenge instead by selling everything beforehand and declaring themselves poor or bankrupt, hiring cut-throat lawyers to make sure the greedy bitch is left penniless and how it was HER greed/unfaithfulness/lack of everything/inability to cook like his mom/insufficient lovemaking that drove him out. Sure it was, buddy.

Listen to everything carefully and decide how you would feel if he did the same to you. File it away. Remember, he could be doing the same thing to you in a few years’ time.

5. A Deep Attachment to Disturbing Pets
A golden retriever is fine, and cats are all right if they don't do much. But I'm still haunted by the memory of an ancient, hairless dachshund that would manage to jump up on the bed during inopportune moments and bay. Not until the dog owner chose to disengage herself from me and comfort the dog instead did I know that this was trouble.

The only animal in that bed should be you. Need I say more.

6. Fling-o-Matics
During a first, incredibly romantic lunch with a new prospect some time ago, I mentioned that my most recent relationship had ended after a year. "A year," my new friend marveled. "That's so impressive! All of my relationships end after three months." Of course I resolved to be the exception.

Ofcourse the author was unceremoniously dumped 12 weeks later.
If his/her longest relationship has been 3 months, chances are you won’t make it past the 12-week-challenge. Yes, we all strive to be The One that changed him/her ways forever, but the reality is that person probably has huge commitment issues that even a lifetime supply of soppy sessions with Dr Phil won’t cure.

7. Demon Children
Children with an issue or two? Maybe. Children who hate you? Watch out. Hopelessly spoiled or angry children? Head for the door.

I have a kid, so I prefer to flip this one around. If she doesn’t like him, we could still find a way to win her over. If she hates him, I need to seriously re-evaluate the situation. Is it just because he’s not her daddy or because she can see something that I’m still blind to? Tough one…

8. Money Matters
If a man suggests splitting the tab on a first date, or that the woman should pay -- then bolt.

No, it’s not fair. I’m well aware that there are so-called ‘feminists’ out there who demand to be treated like equals, want to walk the walk, talk the talk and play with the big boys – and then get indignant when the door isn’t opened for them, or their car door opened and closed or chair pulled out.

Some women are idiots, same as some men. Deal with it and stop thinking that all women are the same.

9. The Parent Trap
Powerful emotions about one's parents -- positive or death. One 50-year-old man I know has dated every single woman in New York and found, to his bafflement, that none is good enough -- for his mother, that is. (She's still calling the shots at age 85.)

He/she will probably never be good enough in your mother’s eyes. Deal with it. She will only have power over your relationships or choice of partner if you let her. So don’t let her. Easy as that.

10. Bad Sex
I don't need to go into detail here, do I? Except to say that bad sex may get better after a first, fumbling time, but bad sex two or three times in a row is sex that only gets worse. Don't fool yourself into thinking that sex is just one part of a relationship, that laughter and shared values are as important, etc., etc. They're not. Red flag. Big red flag.

We all want mindblowing sex every now and then. Not every time, (let’s be realistic) but definitely as often as work stress, fatigue, tv, chores and other unromantic things allow. If the only thing being blown in bed is him, it’s a danger sign.

11. Dirty Underwear and Socks
Your mother was right. They have to be clean. Dirty underwear is the hallmark of a secret slob, and every secret slob has many worse habits you don't even want to think about -- but will have to all too soon.

He’s still wearing the faded red tanga with the holes in it, because he says it’s “so comfortable”. Men fear buying underwear. I don’t know why. Throw it away when he’s not looking, give it to the dog to rip apart (‘bad dog! Oh no honey, and they were your favorite ones…’) and buy him new ones. You need to make this your special project to protect your own sanity.

12. The Anger Hum
As he or she talks, not just about past romantic relationships but about work, friends and family, listen for a low hum of anger, like a third rail running along the tracks of your new prospect's life. It’s important to know how to recognize anger -- not shows of temper, which may be healthy in moderation, but the deeper, more destructive hum -- and back off when you hear it.

Don’t ever become a punching bag – even just verbally. If he can’t deal with his emotions like an adult, and needs to scream, shout and curse – he doesn’t deserve to be in a grown-up relationship.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Whole Online Gaming Sector Possibly Targeted By US DoJ

Analysts believe that the detaining of Sportingbet’s non-executive chairman, Peter Dicks has 'grave consequences' for the online gaming sector. Dicks, who was detained by US authorities while visiting the US on non-Sportingbet business, was the 2nd executive targeted by the US Department of Justice.

Shares in online gaming stocks plummeted following the news, with analysts saying that it can now safely be assumed that the DoJ are going after every single online gaming company.

Read more

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pink frosting and projectile vomit

Still recovering from B’s 5th birthday party.

Jumping castle, party favors, screaming kids, crying kids, manically laughing kids, booze (for me – not the kids. Had to get through this somehow), big cakes, little cakes, candles, sweets, swearing (again – me, not the kids), games, more screaming and finally – home time.

I have to point out that I’m immensely proud of myself for not giving up and trying to suffocate myself in the sickly-sweet shocking-pink frosting of B’s Barbie cake to get away from the madness.

At least B had the time of her life, and spent the whole day ordering her friends around, birthday crown on head, demanding more presents and consuming fast amounts of sweets, crisps and cake.

No major disasters, other than one attempted strangulation (not me, this time) and two projectile vomits.

Thank god it’s over. For another year, at least.

Monday, September 04, 2006

PartyPoker player arrested while playing at home

It was with utter shock that I read that police raided professional poker player Richard Lee's Shavano Park house in San Antonio last week.

According to reports, police suspected his residence as being the "nerve center" of a suspected Internet gambling operation.

Lee, who recently won more than $2.8 million in the 2006 World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, denied operating an Internet gambling Web site but said he was taking part in an online poker tournament on when police arrived.

Last I heard, Lee hadn't been charged with a crime. A money-counting machine, five Lexus cars, plasma screen TVs and a large amount of cash were confiscated by police.

Read about it

Now wait a damn minute...

If the police did their homework on this supposed illegal gambling operation, they'd know that Lee recently won millions playing in Vegas, which would probably mean a couple of new cars, TV's and cash lying around...

All of that doesn't prove that he's an illegal operateur scamming thousands out of their hard-earned cash...

Clearly, there's not enough crime in this country to keep the police service busy. Why pick on people innocently using their OWN money to be entertained online? What's next? Special forces keeping an eye on how much you spend on that ultra-addictive evil - the Home Shopping Network?

"Sorry ma'am, you're under arrest for buying the Lean-mean-thigh-busting-ass-shrinking machine. You've got so many unnecessary products that surely you must be running an illegal home shopping operation...."

Anyway, I'm rambling. It just pisses me off that the law allows people to be arrested in their own homes, simply for playing online.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Girl with a one-track mind - I salute you!

Love her or hate her – Abby Lee / Zoe Margolis has probably changed the way women view their own sexuality, and that of other women with her blog Girl with a one-track mind.

I don’t think there’s ever really been such an open, shameless and wildly amusing recollection of thoughts, fantasies and sexual encounters. Sure, you can read “How to really please your man” or “Best BJ tips, ever!” in most of the glossy mags, but none of them really get to venture into the thoughts of a single woman, who, like all of us, has shitty days at work, gets happy, gets sad, sometimes insecure, and well….sometimes horny.

While most of us would probably cross our legs quickly and pretend that the glow on our cheeks is from bad central air, Margolis simply embraces it without shame and literally takes matters into her own hands. Problem solved.

Rejected by a man? While most of us would immediately start psychoanalyzing ourselves (what is wrong with me? why doesn’t he like me? am I bad in bed? is it my fat thighs?), Margolis is comfortable enough with herself and her sexuality to understand that the problem doesn’t lie with her. And if he says it does – screw him.

There are bigger and better pork sausages in the butchery.

There’s a lesson to be learnt there. Although I almost find myself cringing while reading some parts of her sexually explicit entries, I also find myself laughing out loud and best of all – identifying with a lot of what she has the guts to say.

Zoe – I salute you.

Read her blog