Toilet-topper lets you flush with the fishes

Now you get to ‘go’ in a toilet that doubles as an aquarium.
The aptly named Fish 'n Flush is a see-through aquarium wrapping itself around a conventional toilet tank.
According to the creators, they "wanted to develop a product that had a dual purpose — to serve as a proper, fully functional toilet and also as a source of entertainment and conversation."
The aquarium toilet tank, which sells for $299, fits most commodes, with the 2.2-gallon aquarium piece able to be easily removed for cleaning. The toilet tank itself holds 2.5 gallons, which gives sufficient pressure for flushing.
He said the company, which specializes in water conservation equipment for homes, had worked with a marine biologist to design a tank that ensured the fish were not harmed when the toilet was flushed.
Source: MSNBC
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